Chapter 19 includes the City of Houston’s Floodplain Ordinance. The City adopted amendments to Chapter 19 in April 2018. Chapter…
Design Standards (Chapter 9 & 13 of the Infrastructure Design Manual and the Building Code) impact detention, sheet flow and…
To assist those affected by Hurricane Harvey and expedite the recovery process, the City of Houston would like to help…
The City of Houston and Houston Public Works take seriously the fact that some properties affected by flooding have received…
In September 2016, FEMA announced that one of the 2016 COH Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant applications had been selected…
The status of the 2015 FMA Home Elevation Grant Program is as follows: The first 10 bid packages were released…
The Request for Qualification solicitation for elevation/contracting teams has closed and the committee has pre-qualified the contracting teams. Notification letters…
What is the source of the grant funds? Grant funds originate with FEMA and are administered to Texas grant recipients…
The Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was issued by the City of Houston on January 27, 2017, for procuring home elevation…
1. I decided to demolish my home and rebuild it, rather than elevate it. Can I use FMA funds for…