FMA Grant Program 2022
The City of Houston’s 2022 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant application has been submitted to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) review. We anticipate FEMA making initial announcements of projects selected for further review late in 2023 with grant awards for those projects in 2024.
To indicate your interest to be contacted when the next FMA Grant application period opens late in 2023, please submit your information via the “Fill out a Form” link in the next section of this website.
For more information about the FMA application process, please refer to the slides for our 2022 Public Outreach Presentation.
The City of Houston annually collects information regarding residents that may qualify for the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program administered by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This program provides federal funding assistance for a wide range of flood mitigation projects, including for individual properties that have experienced damage from flooding events.
The City regularly seeks grant funds to elevate structures that do not currently meet the City’s minimum standards of 2 feet above the 500-year flood elevation. If the grant is awarded, elevating a home would bring eligible/approved properties into compliance by lifting the structure such that the lowest floor is at least 2 feet above the 500-year flood level, with a new foundation being built to support the home.
There is no guarantee that the City will receive any funds for this program. However, City Officials are determined to ensure that they seek all opportunities available.
If you have already elevated your home, you will not be eligible for the grant. Only properties with flood insurance from FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) are eligible. The flood insurance must be effective at the time of the grant application and be maintained throughout the process and for the life of the structure.
To submit your interest at this time please click the “Fill out a Form” button to provide your property information and contact information.

If you submit your interest via this Form then, when the next application period opens, the City will contact you via email or mail to request additional information. This additional information includes the current flood insurance policy declaration page, NFIP flood loss history, and other FEMA-required forms which will be used for property evaluation and determination of grant eligibility. If you have submitted your information and your property meets FEMA requirements, your address will be submitted as part of the application if it is possible to do so. Please note that this is a voluntary program and that submitting your property for evaluation does not obligate you to participate.
Limited buyouts may be applicable for homes deep in the floodplain or where there are clusters of interested homeowners. For those whose primary interest is in a buyout, other resources include the City of Houston’s Department of Housing and Community Development or the Harris County Flood Control District.
If you have additional questions you may contact the City of Houston Public Works Grants Management team at [email protected] or via telephone at (832) 557-3490 or (832) 557-3491.
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
Assists in implementing long-term hazard mitigation projects following a Presidential major disaster declaration. Neither the State of Texas nor FEMA are currently accepting any applications.
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)
Provides funds for projects to reduce or eliminate the risk of flood damage to buildings that are insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) on an annual basis.
These grants cover 100% of eligible costs for properties designated as Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) properties, 90% of eligible costs for Repetitive Loss (RL) properties, and 75% of eligible costs for all others.
Please visit the FEMA website titled When You Apply for Flood Mitigation Assistance Funds and search for “Severe Repetitive Loss Federal Cost Share Information” or “Repetitive Loss Federal Cost Share Information” for explanations of how those terms are defined.
2022 FMA
The City of Houston’s application for the 2022 Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program has been submitted to FEMA for review. The City anticipates that FEMA will make initial announcements of projects selected for further review late in 2023 with grant awards for those projects in 2024.
2021 FMA
The City of Houston’s application for the 2021 Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program was selected for further review by FEMA. Though there is no guarantee of a grant award this is often the first step in receiving a grant award in the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program. It is anticipated that a grant award will occur in 2023 and the City will notify homeowners as more information becomes available.
2020 FMA
The City of Houston accepted the 2020 Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program in late February 2023. The City will be contacting the relevant homeowners in March 2023.
2019 FMA
The City of Houston submitted a total of three applications for 91 properties in response to FEMA’s request for applications for the 2019 Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program. These have been awarded and the City has accepted these awards and procured elevation contractors deemed qualified to perform these projects. As of February 2023, these elevation projects are in the process of being bid upon by qualified contractors. The bid review process is underway and it is anticipated that the City will begin the contract agreement process in late March 2023.
2018 FMA
The City of Houston submitted a total of three applications for 85 properties in response to FEMA’s request for applications for the 2018 Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant Program. These have been awarded and the City has accepted these awards and procured elevation contractors deemed qualified to perform these projects. As of February 2023, these elevation projects are in the process of being bid upon by qualified contractors. The bid review process is underway and it is anticipated that the City will begin the contract agreement process in late March 2023.
2018 Hazard Mitigation Grants (Harvey)
The City of Houston submitted applications for grants to elevate 246 homes and to acquire and demolish 3 homes. At this time the City’s applications have been identified by the State as alternate projects. In late October 2021 the Texas Department of Emergency Management advised that additional funding may be available and are currently reviewing alternate projects for which funding may be awarded.
2017 FMA
The City of Houston’s applications for Flood Mitigation Assistance in 2017 were not awarded by FEMA.
2016 FMA
Activity | Amount | Approved | Complete | Under Construction | Under Contract | Bidding | Pending | Dropped Out |
Elevation | $12.9 million total | 40 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 0 | 13 | 16 |
$12.4 million federally funded |
2015 FMA
Activity | Amount | Approved | Complete | Under Construction | Under Contract | Bidding | Pending | Dropped Out* |
Elevation | $15.3 million total | 43 | 23 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 2 | 14 |
$14.8 million federally funded |
*For homes that have dropped out of the grant, the City looks at grant alternates once the final grant costs with current candidate projects are confirmed.
For questions regarding the status of current grants or general information, please contact the City of Houston Public Works Grants Management team at [email protected] or via telephone at (832) 557-3490 or (832) 557-3491.